Padres Activos (Active Fathers): An Experiential Learning Approach to Obesity Prevention and Health Engagement among Latino Fathers and Their Children
Villar, Maria Elena, Wendorf Muhamad, Jessica, Concha, Maritza et al. (2023). Padres Activos (Active Fathers): An Experiential Learning Approach to Obesity Prevention and Health Engagement among Latino Fathers and Their Children
. JOURNAL OF LATINOS AND EDUCATION, 22(1), 170-181. 10.1080/15348431.2020.1731691
Villar, Maria Elena, Wendorf Muhamad, Jessica, Concha, Maritza et al. (2023). Padres Activos (Active Fathers): An Experiential Learning Approach to Obesity Prevention and Health Engagement among Latino Fathers and Their Children
. JOURNAL OF LATINOS AND EDUCATION, 22(1), 170-181. 10.1080/15348431.2020.1731691