Dynamic capabilities: Current debates and future directions Article

Easterby-Smith, M, Lyles, MA, Peteraf, MA. (2009). Dynamic capabilities: Current debates and future directions . BRITISH JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT, 20(SUPP. 1), 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2008.00609.x

cited authors

  • Easterby-Smith, M; Lyles, MA; Peteraf, MA



  • The field of dynamic capabilities has developed very rapidly over the last ten years. In this paper we discuss the evolution of the concept, and identify two major current debates around the nature of dynamic capabilities and their consequences. We then review recent progress as background to identifying the contributions of the seven papers in this special issue, and discuss the relative merits of qualitative and quantitative studies for investigating dynamic capabilities. We conclude with recommendations for future research arguing for more longitudinal studies which can examine the processes of dynamic abilities over time, and for studies in diverse industries and national contexts. © 2009 British Academy of Management.

publication date

  • March 1, 2009

published in

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)


  • 20


  • SUPP. 1