Regional disparities in ADL limitations among older latinos, blacks, and whites in the United States Book Chapter

Vega, WA, Sribney, WM, Ayala, SG. (2018). Regional disparities in ADL limitations among older latinos, blacks, and whites in the United States . 19-38. 10.1007/978-3-030-00584-9_2

cited authors

  • Vega, WA; Sribney, WM; Ayala, SG



  • This chapter presents original research on within and across regional disparities in the prevalence and onset of ADL limitations among Latino, Black, and White older adults in the United States. We also present a summary analysis and discussion about how social determinants, such as income, are structuring associations between aging and declining functional status in the United States. This analysis is relevant at a historical crossroads in U.S. public health when spatial units have taken on greater significance as habitats and units of analysis for investigating disease risk and fundamental causes of health and disease. Using data from the Health and Retirement Study, we find major differences across regions in ADLlimitation risk, also large differences within and across regions in ADL-limitation risk by racial/ethnic group, and accounting for socioeconomic status greatly reduces, but does not eliminate, differences among racial/ethnic groups in their risk of developing an ADL limitation within and across regions. We also find a nearly 17-year difference in a 50% risk probability level for first onset ofADLlimitations on average between individuals of any race or ethnic group in the lowest and highest income quartiles.

publication date

  • September 22, 2018

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

International Standard Book Number (ISBN) 13

start page

  • 19

end page

  • 38