When and Where Biota Matter: Linking Disturbance Regimes, Species Characteristics, and Dynamics of Communities and Ecosystems Book Chapter

Crowl, TA, Brokaw, N, Waide, RB et al. (2015). When and Where Biota Matter: Linking Disturbance Regimes, Species Characteristics, and Dynamics of Communities and Ecosystems . 10.1093/acprof:osobl/9780195334692.003.0006

cited authors

  • Crowl, TA; Brokaw, N; Waide, RB; González, G; Beard, KH; Greathouse, EA; Lugo, AE; Covich, AP; Jean Lodge, D; Pringle, CM; Thompson, J; Belovsky, GE



  • This chapter explores the effects of the organismal diversity to the disturbance sequences that indirectly affects their milieu-the ecosystem. It explains the scientific investigations conducted by the ecologists on the distribution and abundance of organisms, particularly the cycle of nutrients in the food web. It also discusses the flora and fauna's body make-up and nutritional in-take. In this regard, this chapter provides a purview of the connection between biodiversity variations and ecological processes through the following environmental projects: Rain Forest Project and Luquillo Long- Term Ecological Research (LTER).

publication date

  • May 8, 2015