The Current Status of Cell-Based Therapies for Primary Knee Osteoarthritis
Vakharia, RM, Roche, MW, Alcerro, JC et al. (2019). The Current Status of Cell-Based Therapies for Primary Knee Osteoarthritis
. ORTHOPEDIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA, 50(4), 415-423. 10.1016/j.ocl.2019.06.001
Vakharia, RM, Roche, MW, Alcerro, JC et al. (2019). The Current Status of Cell-Based Therapies for Primary Knee Osteoarthritis
. ORTHOPEDIC CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA, 50(4), 415-423. 10.1016/j.ocl.2019.06.001
There is a growing interest in cell therapy for knee osteoarthritis. This study systematically reviews the current status of cell-based therapies. The authors review treatment modalities, clinical outcomes, and the economics of cell therapy. Inclusion criteria were articles containing cellular therapy, platelet-rich plasma, and knee osteoarthritis in the title. Letters, editorial material, abstracts not published, and manuscripts with incomplete data were excluded. Forty-two articles met these inclusion criteria and were critically reviewed. Cell-based therapy holds promise as a means of restoring deficient local cartilage cell populations. There is no evidence-based information for the use of cell-based therapies in knee osteoarthritis.