Energy-aware scheduling for practical mode real-time systems with QoS guarantee Conference

Niu, L, Quan, G. (2009). Energy-aware scheduling for practical mode real-time systems with QoS guarantee . 3 428-432. 10.1109/CSIE.2009.1004

cited authors

  • Niu, L; Quan, G



  • Energy Consumption and Quality of Service (QoS) are two primary concerns in the development of today's pervasive computing systems. While most of the research in energy-aware real-time scheduling has been focused on hard real-time systems, we study the problem of minimizing energy for soft real-time systems with the requirements of QoS-guarantee. In this paper, the QoS requirements are deterministically quantified with the (m, k)-constraints, which require that at least m out of any k consecutive jobs of a task meet their deadlines. A dynamic DVS algorithm is presented to reduce the energy while guaranteeing the given (m, k)-constraints. The simulation results demonstrate that our proposed techniques can achieve significant energy saving performance while ensuring the QoS guarantee. © 2008 IEEE.

publication date

  • November 12, 2009

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 428

end page

  • 432


  • 3