A centralized algorithm for prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor networks using Particle Swarm Optimization Conference

Qu, Y, Georgakopoulos, SV. (2012). A centralized algorithm for prolonging the lifetime of wireless sensor networks using Particle Swarm Optimization . 10.1109/WAMICON.2012.6208432

cited authors

  • Qu, Y; Georgakopoulos, SV


  • Energy availability is always a constraint of wireless sensor networks. This paper introduces a centralized relocating algorithm for mobile sensor network aiming to save energy and prolong the lifetime of sensor networks. The proposed algorithm uses Particle Swarm Optimization. Both of the sensing radius and travelled distance are optimized to save the energy in both long- and short-term. Also, Voronoi diagrams are used to ensure sensors cover the entire sensing field. Simulation results show the balance between the long-and short-term energy usage. Our results also illustrate that our algorithm can reduce the energy consumption for sensing and moving between 28% to 47% when sensors are randomly deployed in the entire sensing field. © 2012 IEEE.

publication date

  • July 13, 2012

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