Quantum chemical modeling of photoabsorption and photoluminescence of the [AlO4]0 defect in bulk SiO2Article
Zyubin, AS, Mebel, AM, Lin, SH. (2003). Quantum chemical modeling of photoabsorption and photoluminescence of the [AlO4]0 defect in bulk SiO2
. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 119(21), 11408-11414. 10.1063/1.1622660
Zyubin, AS, Mebel, AM, Lin, SH. (2003). Quantum chemical modeling of photoabsorption and photoluminescence of the [AlO4]0 defect in bulk SiO2
. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, 119(21), 11408-11414. 10.1063/1.1622660