Potential energy surfaces for the lowest excited states of the nitrogen-vacancy point defects in diamonds: A quantum chemical study
Zyubin, AS, Mebel, AM, Chang, HC et al. (2008). Potential energy surfaces for the lowest excited states of the nitrogen-vacancy point defects in diamonds: A quantum chemical study
. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 462(4-6), 251-255. 10.1016/j.cplett.2008.07.067
Zyubin, AS, Mebel, AM, Chang, HC et al. (2008). Potential energy surfaces for the lowest excited states of the nitrogen-vacancy point defects in diamonds: A quantum chemical study
. CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS, 462(4-6), 251-255. 10.1016/j.cplett.2008.07.067