Diagnosing, benchmarking and transforming the leed certified fiu sipa building into a net-zero-energy building (NET-ZEB) Conference

Spiegelhalter, T, Pala, N, Kang, YC et al. (2012). Diagnosing, benchmarking and transforming the leed certified fiu sipa building into a net-zero-energy building (NET-ZEB) . 5 3742-3748.

cited authors

  • Spiegelhalter, T; Pala, N; Kang, YC; Zhu, Y


  • The 2010 Florida State University System Energy Conservation Report, published in December 2010, reported that Florida International University (FIU) topped all state universities in energy conservation for three consecutive years with a score of 61.9590 kBTU per square foot. (The Environmental Protection Agency established kBTU per square foot as the key performance indicator for energy efficiency in its Energy Star rating program.) However, the energy score is not benchmarked against the AIA and DOE 2030 Challenge to make buildings carbon-neutral or Net-Zero-Energy buildings until 2030. (1) The topic of Net-Zero-Energy-Buildings (Net-ZEBs) has received increasing attention in recent years, until becoming part of both E.U. 2020 Regulation and U.S. DOE policies on energy efficiency in buildings. The term Net-ZEBs refers to the very low amount of energy required to operate a building and should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby. Copyright © (2012) by American Solar Energy Society.

publication date

  • December 31, 2012

start page

  • 3742

end page

  • 3748


  • 5