Chemical derivatization for selective detection and identification of alcohols by electrospray mass spectrometry
Quirke, JME, Van Berkel, GJ. (2001). Chemical derivatization for selective detection and identification of alcohols by electrospray mass spectrometry
. 41(1), 633-637.
Quirke, JME, Van Berkel, GJ. (2001). Chemical derivatization for selective detection and identification of alcohols by electrospray mass spectrometry
. 41(1), 633-637.
The electrospray MS analyses of the ferrocene carbamate derivatives of alcohols is a potentially very useful method for detection of alcohols, e.g., 1-hexanol, 2-ethyl-1-butanol, 2-hexanol, and 2-methyl-2-pentanol. The derivatization procedure is facile, and the detection levels are exceptionally good. When used in combination with tandem MS, the method is even more powerful because it is possible to distinguish some different classes of alcohols by using energy resolved product ion spectra. There is no reason that the method cannot be expanded to encompass other compounds of intermediate polarity such as alcohols, ketones and phenols that are not always amenable to GCMS. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the 221st ACS National Meeting (San Diego, CA 4/1-5/2001).