System architecture for 3D TerraFly online GIS Conference

Rishe, N, Sun, Y, Chekmasov, M et al. (2004). System architecture for 3D TerraFly online GIS . 273-276. 10.1109/MMSE.2004.80

cited authors

  • Rishe, N; Sun, Y; Chekmasov, M; Selivonenko, A; Graham, S



  • We present the architecture of 3D TerraFly, a three-dimensional extension of TerraFly, which is a Web-enabled geographic information system designed for visualization, analysis and composition of remotely-sensed imagery. 3D TerraFly has a client/server architecture. The client-side application is a web-embedded component called the 3D TerraFly Viewer that performs 3D terrain rendering and interactive navigation. The server side applications include Texture Imagery Servers and Mesh Servers that, respectively, handle texture data requests and mesh data requests. © 2004 IEEE.

publication date

  • December 1, 2004

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 273

end page

  • 276