Encapsulation of light hydrophobic liquids with fine quartz sand: Property based characterization and stability in aqueous media with different salinities
Boglaienko, Dania, Tansel, Berring. (2016). Encapsulation of light hydrophobic liquids with fine quartz sand: Property based characterization and stability in aqueous media with different salinities
. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 145 90-96. 10.1016/j.ces.2016.02.010
Boglaienko, Dania, Tansel, Berring. (2016). Encapsulation of light hydrophobic liquids with fine quartz sand: Property based characterization and stability in aqueous media with different salinities
. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SCIENCE, 145 90-96. 10.1016/j.ces.2016.02.010