An Analysis of Dōgen's Eihei Goroku Book Chapter

Heine, S, Wright, DS. (2006). An Analysis of Dōgen's Eihei Goroku . 1-30. 10.1093/0195175255.003.0005

cited authors

  • Heine, S; Wright, DS



  • This chapter analyzes whether the abbreviated text, Eihei Goroku, represents an effective distillation or a contrived distortion of the source materials. The two main works by Dōgen are the Shōbōgenzō, consisting mainly of informal jishu-style sermons delivered in Japanese vernacular, and the Eihei Kōroku, consisting mainly of formal jōdō-style sermons recorded in kanbun or Sino- Japanese sermons. However, these monumental texts, which are so crucial for understanding Dōgen's life and thought, have generally been less known and less studied than abbreviated versions constructed by later editors. The primary abbreviated version of the Eihei Kōroku is the Eihei Dōgen Zenji Goroku (Recorded Sayings of Dōgen, Founder of Eiheiji Temple), a onevolume edition that consists of sermons, lectures, kōan commentaries, and lyrical verse culled from the 10 volumes of the original text. Throughout most of the history of Dōgen Zen, the role of the abbreviated texts has eclipsed the much more substantive writings on which they are based.

publication date

  • February 1, 2006

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

start page

  • 1

end page

  • 30