Dōgen Studies on Both Sides of the Pacific Book Chapter

Heine, S. (2012). Dōgen Studies on Both Sides of the Pacific . 10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199754465.003.0000

cited authors

  • Heine, S



  • This introductory chapter first sets out the primary purpose of the book, which is to inform the reader regarding the nature of Zen Master Dōgen's writings as a whole, including various versions of his texts, especially the Shōbōgenzō and several of its fascicles, in particular, as well as the sermons and discourses in the Eihei kōroku that express his views on core practices and rituals, such as reading the sutras (kankin), diligent training in zazen meditation (shikan taza), or the kōan realized in everyday life (genjōkōan), or using supranormal powers (jinzū). A background of Dōgen studies and an overview of the subsequent chapters are also presented.

publication date

  • May 24, 2012