
  • Dr. Simpson is experienced in the management, design and development of information systems as well as in the application of quantitative methods in business and economics. She has been the recipient of multiple merit-based scholarships along her career and is a Fulbright alumni and member of the Inter-American network of OAS scholars.

    A strong believer in experiential education and active learning, Dr. Simpson enjoys stimulating her students to reach their highest potential. She draws from her computer science skills to take full advantage of modern technologies in her teaching work to enhance students’ learning experience.

    Her research interests span the areas of e-Learning, economic and organizational impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and applications of quantitative methods in decision making. She is a member of AIS, DSI and INFORMS and has presented her work at the annual conferences of these academic organizations.

research interests

  • ELearning; Project Management; Quantitative Methods; Decision Analysis; Business Intelligence and Data Minining

full name

  • Gladys Simpson
