
  • A Research Assistant Professor at Florida International University’s Center for Translational Science, I have a Master’s degree in Medical Biochemistry from B. J. Medical College, University of Pune in India. My PhD degree in Cell and Molecular Biosciences investigated "Diagnostic Markers for Schistosome-mediated Liver Disease using Two-Dimensional Differential In-Gel Electrophoresis" and proteomics mass spectrometry at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand. My first postdoctoral training was in bovine lactation proteomics at the Center for Biodiscovery Victoria University of Wellington Proteomics Laboratory. I have held three postdoctoral fellowships in USA. First, I founded the Mass Spectrometry Recharge Facility at the Arizona State University and worked with LC-MS/MS, GC-MS/MS and MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry methods to identify body burdens of persistent, bioaccumulative and environmental pollutants/toxicants in human tissue and manatee blood. Second, at College of Science, University of Arizona, I optimized BONCAT and TurboID methods to identify newly synthesized proteins in brain secretome/interactome. Next, I established a molecular biology neuron culture laboratory in pain medicine at College of Medicine, University of Arizona. In 2022, I joined the Center for Translational Science at Florida International University as Research Assistant Professor. Currently, I am investigating the role of ROS (reactive oxygen species) and RNS (reactive nitrogen species) in the signaling pathways affecting the Nitroproteome and Phosphoproteome in neurological disorders using cell and molecular biology techniques coupled with proteomics and mass spectrometry.

research interests

  • Cell and Molecular Biology, Microscopy, Proteomics, and Mass Spectroscopy

selected scholarly works & creative activities

full name

  • Bhagyashree Manivannan
