
  • Dinesh Batra’s publications have appeared in Management Science, Journal of MIS, Communications of the ACM, European Journal of Information Systems, Information and Management, Journal of Systems and Software, Journal of Database Management, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, Decision Support Systems, Computers and OR, Communications of the AIS, Information Systems Management, Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, Requirements Engineering Journal, and others. His papers have over 1700 citations (source: Google Scholar). Dr. Batra has served as the Associate Editor of Communications of the AIS and currently serves as Managing Editor of Special Issues in the Journal of Database Management, and Senior Editor in Information Systems Management.

    He is a co-author of the book Object Oriented Systems Analysis & Design, published by Pearson Inc. He served as the first President of the AIS Special Interest Group on Systems Analysis and Design. He has supervised four doctoral dissertations. He has received several teaching awards at the graduate and undergraduate levels. He has served in various departmental, college-level and university-level committees.

research interests

  • Database Systems; System Analysis and Design; Large-Scale Agile Development; Health Informatics

selected scholarly works & creative activities

chaired theses and dissertations

full name

  • Dinesh Batra


publication subject areas