Florida International University
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2016-2017 College Board Florida Partnership Expanded Opportunity Grant
2017-2018 COE South Florida Center of Excellence at FIU
2018 College Access and Readiness Experiences for Success (CARES) - College Board Florida Partnership
2018-2019 COE South Florida Center of Excellence at FIU
2018-2019 College Board Florida Partnership College Access and Readiness Experiences for Success (CARES)
2019-2020 COE South Florida Center of Excellence at FIU
2019-2020 CROP South Florida Consortium (College Outreach Program)
2020-2021 COE South Florida Center of Excellence at FIU
CROP Summer Food Summer Program food services for low income and first generation student who participate in the CROP Summer program.
CROP-SFSP 2013 Agreement #04-0636
FIU 2012-2013 College Board Florida Expanded Opportunity Grant, Partnership for Minority and Underrepresented Student Achievement
FIU 2014 College Board Florida Partnership Expanded Opportunity Grant
FIU 2015 College Board Florida Partnership Expanded Opportunity Grant
FIU CROP South Florida Consortium
FIU-College Access and Readiness Experiences for Success (CARES)
Pre-College program to serve middle and high school students whose family taxable income does not exceed 185% poverty level. Program will provide tutoring, pre-college workshops and activities to promote high school graduation and college entrance.
South Florida CROP Consortium
South Florida Center of Excellence 2014-2015
South Florida Center of Excellence at FIU 2013-2014
Summer Food Summer Program food services for low income and first generation student who participate in the CROP Summer program
Summer Food Summer Program food services for low income and first generation student who participate in the UPWARD BOUND Summer program
UB Summer Food Service Program: food services for low income and first generation student who participate in the UPWARD BOUND Summer program.
UB-SFSP 2013 Agreement #04-0658