Center for Children and Families

The mission of the CCF is to develop models for evidence-based, cost-effective, integrated clinical services for children with mental health and learning problems that are exportable for primary-care-based, clinic-based, school-based, and community-based care throughout the United States and internationally. The CCF provides the infrastructure for a focused array of research, services, and education that span a variety of mental health and educational problems of childhood and adolescence. The CCF aspires to be a world-class, interdisciplinary clinical research center. To achieve that goal, the specific objectives of the CCF include: 1) To advance evidence-based knowledge of the causes, mechanisms, outcomes, and interventions for mental health and learning problems of youth, 2) To promote the development of effective treatments and prevention through scholarly research, 3) To provide state-of-the-art prevention and treatment services to children and families in South Florida, and 4) To disseminate knowledge to students, consumers, and professionals in mental health, education, and primary care.


  • CCF
