Multilevel approaches for embracing dyadic, egocentric and two-mode networks which address substance use disorders and HIV risk in Latina seasonal workers Grant

Multilevel approaches for embracing dyadic, egocentric and two-mode networks which address substance use disorders and HIV risk in Latina seasonal workers .


  • Project SummaryI propose to implement innovative and advanced social network modeling using dyadic, egocentric, two-modenetwork, and multilevel mediation analyses to answer the following research question: How do Latino culturalvalues and acculturation stress impact social network configurations and dynamics that could then act asprotective or risk factors for substance use disorders (SUDs) and HIV risk K99 Phase: Using my mentors'exceptional academic careers as an example and guide—coupled with training by international experts in socialnetwork analysis—I will receive mentored training in five key areas to obtain: (1) knowledge on SUD and HIVepidemiology, (2) comprehension of cross-cultural research, (3) advanced social network analytical skills, (4)comprehension of social network translational research, and (5) professional development. R01 Phase: A cross-sectional social network study will be implemented using data collected during the R00 phase (for males) aswell as secondary data already collected (for females) between March and December 2015. The total sample willconsist of 40 egocentric networks (20 groups of men and 20 groups of women) that will each be comprised of 13people at least 18 years of age (N=520). I will analyze associations between: (1) SUD and HIV risk; (2) Latinocultural values (family cohesion, marianismo, machismo and religiosity) and acculturation stress; and, (3) thefollowing social network factors: (a) individual factors: socio-demographic characteristics; (b) social factors:dyadic attachments, social support and family characteristics, direct influences from close friends or cliques (setof individuals all connected to each other), influences of network positions such as high centrality (for example,being popular), and influence from self-selection friendships based on SUD or HIV risk status; and, (c)structural factors: affiliation network structures (social venues or types of seasonal work). This K99/R00program will not only prepare me for performing the proposed cross-sectional study but will also provide mewith the background knowledge needed to submit an R01 application—based on a longitudinal design—that willallow me to understand how changes in social networks over time place Latino seasonal worker communities atrisk for SUDs and HIV across generations. This information will translate into innovative and cost-effectiveinterventions. Expected outcomes also include advances in modeling and statistical procedures for socialnetwork research and new knowledge that will inform public policy.

date/time interval

  • July 1, 2016 - January 15, 2018

sponsor award ID

  • 1K99DA041494-01A1


  • 18 year old
  • Acculturation
  • Address
  • Agriculture
  • Appointment
  • Area
  • Automobile Driving
  • Characteristics
  • Community Workers
  • Comprehension
  • Country
  • Coupled
  • Cross-Sectional Studies
  • Data
  • Development
  • Epid
  • base
  • career
  • cohesion
  • cost effective
  • cultural values
  • drug abuser