A Method for Testing Object Localization as a Function of Eod Amplitude in the Weakly Electric Fish Brachyhypopomus Pinnicaudatus Honors Thesis

(2001). A Method for Testing Object Localization as a Function of Eod Amplitude in the Weakly Electric Fish Brachyhypopomus Pinnicaudatus .


  • Olman, Marina

honors thesis advisor


  • I would like to thank Dr. Philip Stoddard for his patience and guidance throughout the past four years. He has not only taught me about behavior and electricity, but he has also taught me how to think scientifically. Vielka Salazar for making herself available to answer my questions and to help me with my projects. Montserrat Alfaro for providing me with support under times of frustration. Fabian A. Pal, who has often made himself available when I needed help to finish my projects, for being supportive, and for believing in me and my abilities. Most importantly, I would like to thank my parents who have shown tremendous support and patience during the past years. I would also like to thank the Honors Committee, specially Dr. Richards for taking the time to review my thesis and helping me modify it. Finally, I would like to thank the MARC program for providing me with financial assistance and the opportunity to perform this project.

publication date

  • January 1, 2001