Effects of a switchgrass buffer strip on soil microorganisms near a field applied with endosulfan Thesis

(2007). Effects of a switchgrass buffer strip on soil microorganisms near a field applied with endosulfan . 10.25148/etd.FI14060849

thesis or dissertation chair


  • Clark-Cuadrado, Cristina


  • A field study to determine the effects of a switchgrass buffer strip (SBS) on soil microorganisms near a field applied with endosulfan was carried out. Soil samples were taken from a SBS and bare soil area downslope from a field applied with endosulfan at different distances, days, and two seasons (wet and dry). Soil samples were analyzed for endosulfan, soil fungi, and bacteria. Analysis of endosulfan concentrations was done by reversed-phase liquid chromatography. No endosulfan runoff was detected by this method. Analysis of soil fungi and bacteria was done by fungal and bacterial enumeration by plate count method on rose bengal agar and tryptic soy agar, respectively.

    Soil fungi and bacteria were higher in the SBS than in the bare soil area. Also, soil bacteria was higher during the wet season than during the dry season. The opposite trend was observed for soil fungi.

publication date

  • November 13, 2007

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