Safety habits promoted by hispanic parents for school-aged and adolescent children Thesis

(1998). Safety habits promoted by hispanic parents for school-aged and adolescent children . 10.25148/etd.FI15101306

thesis or dissertation chair


  • Ernst, Mary Ellen


  • Accidents are the leading cause of death among children. Compliance with safety measures have been shown to reduce morbidity and mortality in children. However, Hispanic parents and children have not been adequately studied in the literature in regard to trauma and safety habits utilized. In this exploratory-descriptive study, a convenience sample of 48 Hispanic parents were questioned about their child's activities. The purpose was to determine what safety equipment was used during these activities and how often they were used. Responses to an English/Spanish questionnaire were summarized by frequencies and percentages. Findings suggested that these Hispanic children were at risk for injury due to a low percentage of children wearing the necessary protective equipment Therefore, education must stress consistent use of safety equipment if injuries are to be prevented.

publication date

  • April 3, 1998

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